Sunday, February 21, 2010

Weekend Adventures

This weekend I went shopping with mom(my mom, I needed to get a few things for the next few months and she wanted to go to an antique market. Which I didn't know about until she missed the exit for Easton, But anyways I was so excited. I loved it. There were old keys, old woman's clothing(not old lady clothing, that's different), old mirrors with old frames, candle holders, but the most exciting were these old cameras ten bucks each I loved
them. I got two. :) I wish I had more money I probably would have bought all of them plus some more stuff, but then my future house would but full of crap(things is don't need in nicer terms). So i guess it's good I'm poor and can recognize that.

After there we went to Dick's Sporting Goods to get volleyball shoes. Oh yeah, did I mention I play volleyball? I needed new ones really bad considering the ones I just threw away were with me for three seasons(7th grade) and had last all foot support known to man. Just to see the difference in my new ones and old ones, here is a picture....

Can you guess which ones are my new ones? I will miss you old little guys, but its time to move on to better and more supportive guys.

I also got a new sports bra in my special size since I'm so blessed and a pea coat slash trench coat? I'll find a better name, but I love it. I wore it to church today.


Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

See I told you I would read your blog...who knew it would be minutes after you told me you had one.

I have been dying to go to an antique store, but I am always nervous about going to one that is bad. Where was it?

Hillay Lange said...

Hannah, I love your blog! I want to see a pic of your coat.

Hannah Lange said...

I'll take a picture in the next week. and post it.