(few pics from my last ut trip)
As this year comes to a closing I look back on it and smile. What I've learned this year is facing challenges comes great blessings. I can name numerous things that didn't quite go the way I wanted it to or came unexpectedly. I lost friends, I gained friends. This year I realized that my family will always be there for me and will always love me when I have no friends to turn to. Since my sophomore year began I have had wonderful opportunities, and I know I have the greatest friends I could ask for. They've been there this year through the good and they've been there when I had to let go. I've also been able to travel so much this year, which I absolutely loved. It's one thing I haven't ever become tired of.
Highlights of this year:
-Snowboarding in Utah(January)
-Finishing my freshman year
-going backpacking for YW
-sleeping in cabins at girls camp
-developing a stronger friendship with my only cousin my age
-same with all of my little Lange cousins
-being able to say my cousin is on his mission in the Philippines and is gonna come back and play football at BYU
-Learning some characteristics that I love in a guy and some I don't love
-going with my church youth group to palmyra
-meeting nephites in palmyra (that want me to come back and see them next summer(I text them)
-being chosen to be the Sophomore Attendant for Homecoming by my class. (they are the best)
-being chosen by teachers to do leadership training
-going to an amazing wedding for my amazing aunt ( love you Hil! cant wait to see your guys' new house)
-catching a huge catfish( okay like maybe 16 inches long)
-going antiqueing with my mom
Okay so that was a lot more than I was planning on putting on that list, but these are definitely the things that I will remember about 2010. So not much is on my Christmas list this year.. well you know except shoes.